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cleaned up board.h

curiousmuch %!s(int64=5) %!d(string=hai) anos

+ 27 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+    "configurations": [
+        {
+            "name": "Linux",
+            "includePath": [
+                "${workspaceFolder}/**"
+            ],
+            "defines": [],
+            "compilerPath": "/usr/bin/gcc",
+            "cStandard": "c11",
+            "cppStandard": "c++17",
+            "intelliSenseMode": "clang-x64"
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "ESP32",
+            "includePath": [
+                "${workspaceFolder}/**"
+            ],
+            "defines": [],
+            "compilerPath": "/home/curiousmuch/esp/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin/xtensa-esp32-elf-gcc ",
+            "cStandard": "c11",
+            "cppStandard": "c++17",
+            "intelliSenseMode": "${default}"
+        }
+    ],
+    "version": 4

+ 26 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+    // See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=733558
+    // for the documentation about the tasks.json format
+    "version": "2.0.0",
+    "tasks": [
+        {
+            "label": "build",
+            "type": "shell",
+            "command": "make",
+            "args": [
+                // Ask msbuild to generate full paths for file names.
+                "/property:GenerateFullPaths=true",
+                "/t:build",
+                // Do not generate summary otherwise it leads to duplicate errors in Problems panel
+                "/consoleloggerparameters:NoSummary"
+            ],
+            "group": "build",
+            "presentation": {
+                // Reveal the output only if unrecognized errors occur.
+                "reveal": "silent"
+            },
+            // Use the standard MS compiler pattern to detect errors, warnings and infos
+            "problemMatcher": "$msCompile"
+        }
+    ]

+ 0 - 6

@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# The following five lines of boilerplate have to be in your project's
-# CMakeLists in this exact order for cmake to work correctly
-cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 14 - 36

@@ -18,47 +18,25 @@
 #define GREEN_LED 	2
 // Radio Selection
-#define CC1200		1
-#define CC1120		1
-#if CC1120
-// CC1120 - ESP32 I/O
-// NOTE: Logic Probe is connecting to RESET - Pin1
-#define CC1120_RESET		22
-#define CC1120_CS 			5
-#define CC1120_SCLK			18
-#define CC1120_MOSI			23
-#define CC1120_MISO			19
-#define CC1120_GPIO0		36
-#define CC1120_GPIO0_RTC	0
-#define CC1120_GPIO2		39
-#define CC1120_GPIO2_RTC	3
-#define CC1120_GPIO3 		34
-#define CC1120_GPIO3_RTC	4
-#if CC1200
-// CC1120 - ESP32 I/O
-// NOTE: Logic Probe is connecting to RESET - Pin1
-#define CC1120_RESET		22
-#define CC1120_CS 			5
-#define CC1120_SCLK			18
-#define CC1120_MOSI			23
-#define CC1120_MISO			19
-#define CC1120_GPIO0		36
-#define CC1120_GPIO0_RTC	0
-#define CC1120_GPIO2		39
-#define CC1120_GPIO2_RTC	3
-#define CC1120_GPIO3 		34
-#define CC1120_GPIO3_RTC	4
+#define CC1200_RESET		22
+#define CC1200_CS 			5
+#define CC1200_SCLK			18
+#define CC1200_MOSI			23
+#define CC1200_MISO			19
+#define CC1200_GPIO0		36
+#define CC1200_GPIO0_RTC	0
+#define CC1200_GPIO2		39
+#define CC1200_GPIO2_RTC	3
+#define CC1200_GPIO3 		34
+#define CC1200_GPIO3_RTC	4
+// Debugging
 #define DEBUG_0 			16
 #define DEBUG_1				4
 #define DEBUG_2				32
 #define DEBUG_3				33
+// Function Protoypes
 void enable_red_led(void);
 void enable_green_led(void);
 void disable_red_led(void);

+ 0 - 0

+ 25 - 25
main/cc1200.c → components/radio/cc1200.c

@@ -27,12 +27,12 @@
 #define CC1200_READ_BIT 	BIT(1)
 #define CC1200_BURST_BIT 	BIT(0)
-// Public Configurations for CC1120 SPI Driver
+// Public Configurations for CC1200 SPI Driver
 spi_bus_config_t bus_config =
-	.miso_io_num = CC1120_MISO,
-	.mosi_io_num = CC1120_MOSI,
-	.sclk_io_num = CC1120_SCLK,
+	.miso_io_num = CC1200_MISO,
+	.mosi_io_num = CC1200_MOSI,
+	.sclk_io_num = CC1200_SCLK,
 	.quadwp_io_num = -1,
 	.quadhd_io_num = -1,
 	.max_transfer_sz = 150,
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ spi_device_interface_config_t interface_config =
 	.address_bits = 6,
 	.dummy_bits = 0,
 	.mode = 0,
-	.spics_io_num = CC1120_CS,
+	.spics_io_num = CC1200_CS,
 	.clock_speed_hz = (APB_CLK_FREQ/16),
 	.flags = 0,
 	.queue_size = 20
@@ -56,12 +56,12 @@ spi_device_interface_config_t interface_config =
 spi_device_handle_t spi;
-// Private CC1120 Driver Functions
+// Private CC1200 Driver Functions
 void cc1200_gpio_init(void)
 	gpio_config_t reset_pin_config =
-			.pin_bit_mask = (uint64_t)(BIT64(CC1120_RESET)),
+			.pin_bit_mask = (uint64_t)(BIT64(CC1200_RESET)),
 			.mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT,
 			.pull_up_en = GPIO_PULLUP_DISABLE,
 			.pull_down_en = GPIO_PULLDOWN_DISABLE,
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ void cc1200_gpio_init(void)
 	gpio_config_t gpio_pin_config =
-			.pin_bit_mask = (uint64_t) (BIT64(CC1120_GPIO0)|BIT64(CC1120_GPIO2)|BIT64(CC1120_GPIO3)),
+			.pin_bit_mask = (uint64_t) (BIT64(CC1200_GPIO0)|BIT64(CC1200_GPIO2)|BIT64(CC1200_GPIO3)),
 			.mode = GPIO_MODE_INPUT,
 			.pull_up_en = GPIO_PULLUP_DISABLE,
 			.pull_down_en = GPIO_PULLDOWN_DISABLE,
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ void cc1200_gpio_init(void)
-	gpio_set_level(CC1120_RESET, 1);
+	gpio_set_level(CC1200_RESET, 1);
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ rf_status_t IRAM_ATTR cc1200_spi_strobe(uint8_t cmd)
 	return (temp & 0xF0);
-// Public CC1120 Driver Functions
+// Public CC1200 Driver Functions
 // These function should have there own error codes as they're dependent upon the radio and
 // not the ESP32 :)
@@ -266,8 +266,8 @@ rf_status_t cc1200_radio_reset(void)
 		vTaskDelay(10 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
 		if (retry_count > 3)
-			// place error CC1120 timeout
-			printf("CC1120 Reset Failure\n");
+			// place error CC1200 timeout
+			printf("CC1200 Reset Failure\n");
 		status = cc1200_spi_strobe(CC120X_SNOP);
@@ -440,11 +440,11 @@ void IRAM_ATTR cc1200_radio_APRSTXPacket(uint8_t  *f, uint16_t f_len, uint8_t tx
 		state = cc1200_spi_strobe(CC120X_STX);
-	// enable interrupt pin for CC1120 for timing packets
+	// enable interrupt pin for CC1200 for timing packets
 //	gpio_install_isr_service(ESP_INTR_FLAG_IRAM);
-//	gpio_isr_handler_add(CC1120_GPIO3, cc1200_aprs_tx_isr, NULL);
-//	gpio_set_intr_type(CC1120_GPIO3, GPIO_INTR_POSEDGE);
-//	gpio_intr_enable(CC1120_GPIO3);
+//	gpio_isr_handler_add(CC1200_GPIO3, cc1200_aprs_tx_isr, NULL);
+//	gpio_set_intr_type(CC1200_GPIO3, GPIO_INTR_POSEDGE);
+//	gpio_intr_enable(CC1200_GPIO3);
     timer_enable_intr(TIMER_GROUP_0, TIMER_1);
     timer_set_counter_value(TIMER_GROUP_0, TIMER_1, 0x00000000ULL);
@@ -598,8 +598,8 @@ void IRAM_ATTR cc1200_radio_APRSTXPacket(uint8_t  *f, uint16_t f_len, uint8_t tx
-//	gpio_intr_disable(CC1120_GPIO3);
-//	gpio_set_intr_type(CC1120_GPIO3, GPIO_INTR_DISABLE);
+//	gpio_intr_disable(CC1200_GPIO3);
+//	gpio_set_intr_type(CC1200_GPIO3, GPIO_INTR_DISABLE);
     timer_disable_intr(TIMER_GROUP_0, TIMER_1);
 	timer_pause(TIMER_GROUP_0, TIMER_1);
@@ -643,11 +643,11 @@ void IRAM_ATTR cc1200_radio_start_APRSRX(void)
 //	cc1200_radio_write(APRS_RX2_SETTINGS, sizeof(APRS_RX2_SETTINGS)/sizeof(cc1200_reg_settings_t));
 //	cc1200_radio_frequency(144390000-6000);
-	// enable ISR for CC1120 for timing packets
+	// enable ISR for CC1200 for timing packets
 //	gpio_install_isr_service(ESP_INTR_FLAG_IRAM);
-//	gpio_isr_handler_add(CC1120_GPIO2, cc1200_aprs_rx_isr, NULL);
-//	gpio_set_intr_type(CC1120_GPIO2, GPIO_INTR_POSEDGE);
-//	gpio_intr_enable(CC1120_GPIO2);
+//	gpio_isr_handler_add(CC1200_GPIO2, cc1200_aprs_rx_isr, NULL);
+//	gpio_set_intr_type(CC1200_GPIO2, GPIO_INTR_POSEDGE);
+//	gpio_intr_enable(CC1200_GPIO2);
 	while(cc1200_spi_strobe(CC120X_SRX) != CC120X_STATE_RX)
@@ -656,8 +656,8 @@ void IRAM_ATTR cc1200_radio_start_APRSRX(void)
 void cc1200_radio_stop_APRSRX(void)
 	// disable interrupt
-//	gpio_intr_disable(CC1120_GPIO2);
-//	gpio_set_intr_type(CC1120_GPIO2, GPIO_INTR_DISABLE);
+//	gpio_intr_disable(CC1200_GPIO2);
+//	gpio_set_intr_type(CC1200_GPIO2, GPIO_INTR_DISABLE);
 //	gpio_uninstall_isr_service();
@@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ void cc1200_radio_init(const cc1200_reg_settings_t* rf_settings, uint8_t len)
 	spi_device_acquire_bus(spi, portMAX_DELAY);
-	cc1200_radio_reset();	gpio_set_level(CC1120_RESET, 1);
+	cc1200_radio_reset();	gpio_set_level(CC1200_RESET, 1);
 	//uint8_t data;
 	//cc1200_spi_read_byte(CC120X_PARTNUMBER, &data);

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 1
main/cc1200.h → components/radio/include/cc1200.h

@@ -275,7 +275,6 @@
 /* FIFO Address */
 #define CC120X_FIFO						0x3F
 /* Data Structures */
 typedef uint8_t rf_status_t;

+ 2 - 2
main/cc1200_protocol.h → components/radio/include/cc1200_protocol.h

@@ -174,8 +174,8 @@ static const cc1200_reg_settings_t APRS_TX_SETTINGS[]=
 static const cc1200_reg_settings_t APRS_RX2_SETTINGS[]=
-  {CC120X_IOCFG2,            0x09},		// Serial RX
-  {CC120X_IOCFG3,			 29}, 	// Serial Clock
+  {CC120X_IOCFG2,            0x09},		// Serial RX Data
+  {CC120X_IOCFG3,			 29}, 		// Serial Clock
   {CC120X_IOCFG0,            0x09},		// Serial RX/TX (Don't Touch)
   {CC120X_SYNC_CFG1,         0x00},		// Disable Sync Word
   {CC120X_DEVIATION_M,		 0x68},		// Deviation: 2.5kHz

+ 0 - 4

@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-set(COMPONENT_SRCS "blink.c")

+ 0 - 562

@@ -1,562 +0,0 @@
- * Project: Arrow
- * Author: 	curiousmuch
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
-#include "freertos/task.h"
-#include "driver/gpio.h"
-#include "sdkconfig.h"
-#include "driver/spi_master.h"
-#include "esp_err.h"
-#include "cc1120.h"
-#include "cc1120_protocol.h"
-#include "board.h"
-#include "esp_task_wdt.h"
-#define CC1120_WRITE_BIT 	0
-#define CC1120_READ_BIT 	BIT(1)
-#define CC1120_BURST_BIT 	BIT(0)
-// Public Configurations for CC1120 SPI Driver
-spi_bus_config_t bus_config =
-	.miso_io_num = CC1120_MISO,
-	.mosi_io_num = CC1120_MOSI,
-	.sclk_io_num = CC1120_SCLK,
-	.quadwp_io_num = -1,
-	.quadhd_io_num = -1,
-	.max_transfer_sz = 150,
-spi_device_interface_config_t interface_config =
-	.command_bits = 2,
-	.address_bits = 6,
-	.dummy_bits = 0,
-	.mode = 0,
-	.spics_io_num = CC1120_CS,
-	.clock_speed_hz = (APB_CLK_FREQ/20),
-	.flags = 0,
-	.queue_size = 20
-spi_device_handle_t spi;
-// Private CC1120 Driver Functions
-void cc1120_gpio_init(void)
-	gpio_config_t reset_pin_config =
-	{
-			.pin_bit_mask = (uint64_t)(BIT64(CC1120_RESET)),
-			.mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT,
-			.pull_up_en = GPIO_PULLUP_DISABLE,
-			.pull_down_en = GPIO_PULLDOWN_DISABLE,
-			.intr_type = GPIO_INTR_DISABLE
-	};
-	gpio_config_t gpio_pin_config =
-	{
-			.pin_bit_mask = (uint64_t) (BIT64(CC1120_GPIO0)|BIT64(CC1120_GPIO2)|BIT64(CC1120_GPIO3)),
-			.mode = GPIO_MODE_INPUT,
-			.pull_up_en = GPIO_PULLUP_DISABLE,
-			.pull_down_en = GPIO_PULLDOWN_DISABLE,
-			.intr_type = GPIO_INTR_DISABLE
-	};
-	gpio_config_t debug_pin_config =
-	{
-			.pin_bit_mask = (uint64_t) (BIT64(DEBUG_0)|BIT64(DEBUG_1)),
-			.mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT,
-			.pull_up_en = GPIO_PULLUP_DISABLE,
-			.pull_down_en = GPIO_PULLDOWN_DISABLE,
-			.intr_type = GPIO_INTR_DISABLE
-	};
-	gpio_config(&reset_pin_config);
-	gpio_config(&gpio_pin_config);
-	gpio_config(&debug_pin_config);
-	gpio_set_level(CC1120_RESET, 1);
-void cc1120_spi_init(void)
-	esp_err_t ret;
-	ret = spi_bus_initialize(VSPI_HOST, &bus_config, 0);	// this uses DMA channel 1
-	ret = spi_bus_add_device(VSPI_HOST, &interface_config, &spi);
-void IRAM_ATTR cc1120_spi_write_byte(uint16_t addr, uint8_t data)
-	esp_err_t ret;
-	spi_transaction_t tx_trans =
-	{
-		.cmd = CC1120_WRITE_BIT,
-		.addr = addr,
-		.length = 8,
-		.rxlength = 0,
-		.tx_data[0] = data
-	};
-	if ((addr & 0xFF00) != 0) // send data with extended address in command field
-	{
-		spi_transaction_ext_t tx_trans_ext =
-		{
-				.base = tx_trans,
-				.command_bits = 2,
-				.address_bits = 14
-		};
-		ret = spi_device_polling_transmit(spi, (spi_transaction_t*)&tx_trans_ext);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		ret = spi_device_polling_transmit(spi, &tx_trans);
-	}
-void IRAM_ATTR cc1120_spi_write_bytes(uint16_t addr, uint8_t* data, uint8_t len)
-	esp_err_t ret;
-	spi_transaction_t tx_trans =
-	{
-		.cmd = (CC1120_WRITE_BIT | CC1120_BURST_BIT),
-		.addr = addr,
-		.length = 8*len,
-		.tx_buffer = data
-	};
-	if ((addr & 0xFF00) != 0) // send data with extended address in command field
-	{
-		spi_transaction_ext_t tx_trans_ext =
-		{
-				.base = tx_trans,
-				.command_bits = 2,
-				.address_bits = 14
-		};
-		ret = spi_device_transmit(spi, (spi_transaction_t*)&tx_trans_ext);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		ret = spi_device_transmit(spi, &tx_trans);
-	}
-void cc1120_spi_read_byte(uint16_t addr, uint8_t* data)
-	esp_err_t ret;
-	spi_transaction_t rx_trans =
-	{
-		.cmd = CC1120_READ_BIT,
-		.addr = addr,
-		.length = 8,
-		.rxlength = 8,
-		.rx_buffer = data
-	};
-	if ((addr & 0xFF00) != 0) // read data with extended address in command field
-	{
-		spi_transaction_ext_t rx_trans_ext =
-		{
-				.base = rx_trans,
-				.command_bits = 2,
-				.address_bits = 14
-		};
-		ret = spi_device_transmit(spi, (spi_transaction_t*)&rx_trans_ext);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		ret = spi_device_transmit(spi, &rx_trans);
-	}
-void cc1120_spi_read_bytes(uint16_t addr, uint8_t* data, uint8_t len)
-	esp_err_t ret;
-	spi_transaction_t rx_trans =
-	{
-		.cmd = (CC1120_READ_BIT | CC1120_BURST_BIT),
-		.addr = addr,
-		.length = 8*len,
-		.rxlength = 8*len,
-		.rx_buffer = data
-	};
-	if ((addr & 0xFF00) != 0) // read data with extended address in command field
-	{
-		spi_transaction_ext_t rx_trans_ext =
-		{
-				.base = rx_trans,
-				.command_bits = 2,
-				.address_bits = 14
-		};
-		ret = spi_device_transmit(spi, (spi_transaction_t*)&rx_trans_ext);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		ret = spi_device_transmit(spi, &rx_trans);
-	}
-rf_status_t IRAM_ATTR cc1120_spi_strobe(uint8_t cmd)
-	esp_err_t ret;
-	uint8_t temp=0;
-	spi_transaction_t rx_trans =
-	{
-		.length = 8,
-		.rxlength = 8,
-		.rx_buffer = &temp,
-		.tx_data[0] = cmd
-	};
-	spi_transaction_ext_t rx_trans_ext =
-	{
-			.base = rx_trans,
-			.command_bits = 0,
-			.address_bits = 0
-	};
-	ret = spi_device_transmit(spi, (spi_transaction_t*)&rx_trans_ext);
-	return (temp & 0xF0);
-// Public CC1120 Driver Functions
-// These function should have there own error codes as they're dependent upon the radio and
-// not the ESP32 :)
-rf_status_t cc1120_radio_reset(void)
-	rf_status_t status;
-	uint8_t retry_count = 0;
-	cc1120_spi_strobe(CC112X_SRES);
-	status = cc1120_spi_strobe(CC112X_SNOP);
-	vTaskDelay(10 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
-	while((CC112X_RDYn_BIT & (status & 0x80)))
-	{
-		vTaskDelay(10 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
-		if (retry_count > 3)
-		{
-			// place error CC1120 timeout
-			printf("CC1120 Reset Failure\n");
-			break;
-		}
-		status = cc1120_spi_strobe(CC112X_SNOP);
-		retry_count++;
-	}
-	printf("%x\n", retry_count);
-	return status;
-esp_err_t cc1120_radio_frequency(uint32_t freq)
-	return ESP_OK;
-esp_err_t cc1120_radio_sleep(void)
-	return ESP_OK;
-esp_err_t cc1120_radio_power(uint8_t txPower)
-	return ESP_OK;
-#define HDLC_FLAG 0x7E
-#define HDLC_FLAG_LEN 10
-uint8_t packet_len = 0;
-uint8_t test_vector[] = {0x71, 0x01, 023, 0xAE, 0x75};
-volatile uint8_t sample_count = 0;
-uint8_t toggle;
-uint8_t toggle2;
-uint8_t prev_sample_count = 0;
-uint32_t tx_symbol = 0;
-uint8_t prev_tx_symbol = 0;
-#define SAMPLE_FREQUENCY 13200
-#define DAC_MAX 64
-#define LUT_SIZE 128
-int32_t phase_i = 0;
-volatile uint8_t new_sample = 0;
-float phase = 0.0f;
-float delta_phi = 0.0f;
-float const delta_phi_1 = (float) 1200 / SAMPLE_FREQUENCY * LUT_SIZE;
-float const delta_phi_2 = (float) 2200 / SAMPLE_FREQUENCY * LUT_SIZE;
-const uint8_t APRS_TEST_PACKET[] = {168,138,166,168, 64, 64,224,174,132,100,158,166,180,255,  3,240, 44, 84,
-									 104,101, 32,113,117,105, 99,107, 32, 98,114,111,119,110, 32,102,111,120,
-									  32,106,117,109,112,115, 32,111,118,101,114, 32,116,104,101, 32,108, 97,
-									 122,121, 32,100,111,103, 33, 32, 32, 49, 32,111,102, 32, 52, 40,110};
-//const uint8_t APRS_TEST_PACKET[] = {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF};
-// The output needs to be continous phase.
-typedef struct {
-	uint8_t one_count;
-	uint32_t sample_count;
-	uint32_t byte;
-	uint32_t packet_len;
-	uint8_t prev_bit;
-	uint8_t cur_bit;
-	uint8_t tone;
-} aprs_flags_t;
-aprs_flags_t DRAM_ATTR aprs_flags = {
-		.one_count = 0,
-		.sample_count = 0,
-		.byte = 0,
-		.packet_len = sizeof(APRS_TEST_PACKET)/sizeof(uint8_t),
-		.prev_bit = 0,
-		.cur_bit = 0,
-		.tone = 0
-static void IRAM_ATTR LUT_lookup(void)
-	if (aprs_flags.tone)
-		delta_phi = delta_phi_1;
-	else
-		delta_phi = delta_phi_2;
-    phase_i = (int32_t)phase;        // get integer part of our phase
-    phase += delta_phi;              // increment phase
-    if (phase >= (float)LUT_SIZE)    // handle wraparound
-        phase -= (float)LUT_SIZE;
-static void IRAM_ATTR cc1120_aprs_tx_isr(void* arg)
-    cc1120_spi_write_byte(CC112X_CFM_TX_DATA_IN, LUT[phase_i]);
-    sample_count++;
-    new_sample = 1;
-	toggle = toggle ^ 1;
-	gpio_set_level(DEBUG_1, toggle);
-void cc1120_lut_init(void)
-	int16_t i=0;
-	for (i=0; i<LUT_SIZE; ++i)
-	{
-		LUT[i] = (int8_t)roundf(DAC_MAX * sinf(2.0f * M_PI * (float)i / LUT_SIZE));
-		//printf("%d,\n", LUT[i]);
-	}
-#define SUFFIX_LENGTH 1
-// test function to generate APRS s1 or s2
-void IRAM_ATTR cc1120_radio_APRSTXPacket(void)
-	// start CW transmission
-	cc1120_spi_write_byte(CC112X_FIFO, 0x12);
-	cc1120_spi_strobe(CC112X_STX);
-	// enable interrupt pin for CC1120 for timing packets
-	gpio_install_isr_service(ESP_INTR_FLAG_IRAM);
-	gpio_isr_handler_add(CC1120_GPIO3, cc1120_aprs_tx_isr, NULL);
-	gpio_set_intr_type(CC1120_GPIO3, GPIO_INTR_POSEDGE);
-	// acquire SPI bus for fastest possible SPI transactions
-	spi_device_acquire_bus(spi, portMAX_DELAY);
-	int16_t i,j;
-	while(1)
-	{
-		// start CW transmission
-		cc1120_spi_write_byte(CC112X_FIFO, 0x12);
-		cc1120_spi_strobe(CC112X_STX);
-		sample_count = 0;
-		new_sample = 0;
-		/* Send Flag */
-		for (i = 0; i<PREAMBLE_LENGTH; i++)
-		{
-			aprs_flags.byte = 0x7E;
-			for(j=0; j<8; j++)
-			{
-				aprs_flags.cur_bit = aprs_flags.byte & 0x01;
-				// NRZ-I Encoding
-				if (aprs_flags.cur_bit)
-				{
-					// do nothing
-					aprs_flags.one_count++;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					aprs_flags.tone = aprs_flags.tone ^ 1; // switch tone
-					aprs_flags.one_count = 0;
-				}
-				aprs_flags.byte = (aprs_flags.byte >> 1);
-				while(sample_count < 11)	// wait for symbol to be sent
-				{
-					if ( new_sample )
-					{
-						LUT_lookup();
-						new_sample = 0;
-					}
-				}
-				sample_count = 0;
-				//printf("Symbol: %x\n", aprs_flags.cur_bit);
-			}
-		}
-		aprs_flags.one_count = 0;
-		/* Send Packet */
-		for (i=0;i<aprs_flags.packet_len;i++)
-		{
-			aprs_flags.byte = APRS_TEST_PACKET[i];
-			for(j=0; j<8; j++)
-			{
-				aprs_flags.cur_bit = aprs_flags.byte & 0x01;	// bool of first bit
-				// Zero Stuffing
-				if (aprs_flags.one_count == 5)
-				{
-					aprs_flags.tone = aprs_flags.tone ^ 1;
-					aprs_flags.one_count = 0;
-					// wait for symbol to be sent
-					while(sample_count < 11)
-					{
-						if ( new_sample )
-						{
-							LUT_lookup();
-							new_sample = 0;
-						}
-					}
-					toggle2 = toggle2 ^ 1;
-					gpio_set_level(DEBUG_0, toggle2);
-					sample_count = 0;
-				}
-				// NRZ-I Encoding
-				if (aprs_flags.cur_bit)
-				{
-					// do nothing
-					aprs_flags.one_count++;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					aprs_flags.tone = aprs_flags.tone ^ 1; // switch tone
-					aprs_flags.one_count = 0;
-				}
-				aprs_flags.byte = (aprs_flags.byte >> 1);
-				while(sample_count < 11)	// wait for symbol to be sent
-				{
-					if ( new_sample )
-					{
-						LUT_lookup();
-						new_sample = 0;
-					}
-				}
-				toggle2 = toggle2 ^ 1;
-				gpio_set_level(DEBUG_0, toggle2);
-				sample_count = 0;
-				//printf("Symbol: %x\n", aprs_flags.cur_bit);
-			}
-		}
-		aprs_flags.one_count = 0;
-		/* Send Flag */
-		for (i = 0; i<SUFFIX_LENGTH; i++)
-		{
-			aprs_flags.byte = 0x7E;
-			for(j=0; j<8;j++)
-			{
-				aprs_flags.cur_bit = aprs_flags.byte & 0x01;
-				// NRZ-I Encoding
-				if (aprs_flags.cur_bit)
-				{
-					// do nothing
-					aprs_flags.one_count++;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					aprs_flags.tone = aprs_flags.tone ^ 1; // switch tone
-					aprs_flags.one_count = 0;
-				}
-				aprs_flags.byte = (aprs_flags.byte >> 1);
-				while(sample_count < 11)	// wait for symbol to be sent
-				{
-					if ( new_sample )
-					{
-						LUT_lookup();
-						new_sample = 0;
-					}
-				}
-				sample_count = 0;
-			}
-		}
-		cc1120_spi_strobe(CC112X_SIDLE);
-		vTaskDelay(10000/portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
-	}
-void cc1120_radio_init(const cc1120_reg_settings_t* rf_settings, uint8_t len)
-	cc1120_gpio_init();
-	cc1120_spi_init();
-	cc1120_lut_init();
-	cc1120_radio_reset();	gpio_set_level(CC1120_RESET, 1);
-	uint8_t i;
-	for (i=0;i<len;i++)
-	{
-		cc1120_spi_write_byte(rf_settings[i].addr, rf_settings[i].data);
-	}

+ 0 - 240

@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
- * cc1120.h
- *
- *  Created on: Jan 11, 2019
- *      Author: curiousmuch
- */
-#ifndef MAIN_CC1120_H_
-#define MAIN_CC1120_H_
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-/* CC1120 Configuration Registers */
-#define CC112X_IOCFG3                   0x0000
-#define CC112X_IOCFG2                   0x0001
-#define CC112X_IOCFG1                   0x0002
-#define CC112X_IOCFG0                   0x0003
-#define CC112X_SYNC3                    0x0004
-#define CC112X_SYNC2                    0x0005
-#define CC112X_SYNC1                    0x0006
-#define CC112X_SYNC0                    0x0007
-#define CC112X_SYNC_CFG1                0x0008
-#define CC112X_SYNC_CFG0                0x0009
-#define CC112X_DEVIATION_M              0x000A
-#define CC112X_MODCFG_DEV_E             0x000B
-#define CC112X_DCFILT_CFG               0x000C
-#define CC112X_PREAMBLE_CFG1            0x000D
-#define CC112X_PREAMBLE_CFG0            0x000E
-#define CC112X_FREQ_IF_CFG              0x000F
-#define CC112X_IQIC                     0x0010
-#define CC112X_CHAN_BW                  0x0011
-#define CC112X_MDMCFG1                  0x0012
-#define CC112X_MDMCFG0                  0x0013
-#define CC112X_SYMBOL_RATE2             0x0014
-#define CC112X_SYMBOL_RATE1             0x0015
-#define CC112X_SYMBOL_RATE0             0x0016
-#define CC112X_AGC_REF                  0x0017
-#define CC112X_AGC_CS_THR               0x0018
-#define CC112X_AGC_GAIN_ADJUST          0x0019
-#define CC112X_AGC_CFG3                 0x001A
-#define CC112X_AGC_CFG2                 0x001B
-#define CC112X_AGC_CFG1                 0x001C
-#define CC112X_AGC_CFG0                 0x001D
-#define CC112X_FIFO_CFG                 0x001E
-#define CC112X_DEV_ADDR                 0x001F
-#define CC112X_SETTLING_CFG             0x0020
-#define CC112X_FS_CFG                   0x0021
-#define CC112X_WOR_CFG1                 0x0022
-#define CC112X_WOR_CFG0                 0x0023
-#define CC112X_WOR_EVENT0_MSB           0x0024
-#define CC112X_WOR_EVENT0_LSB           0x0025
-#define CC112X_PKT_CFG2                 0x0026
-#define CC112X_PKT_CFG1                 0x0027
-#define CC112X_PKT_CFG0                 0x0028
-#define CC112X_RFEND_CFG1               0x0029
-#define CC112X_RFEND_CFG0               0x002A
-#define CC112X_PA_CFG2                  0x002B
-#define CC112X_PA_CFG1                  0x002C
-#define CC112X_PA_CFG0                  0x002D
-#define CC112X_PKT_LEN                  0x002E
-/* Extended Configuration Registers */
-#define CC112X_IF_MIX_CFG               0x2F00
-#define CC112X_FREQOFF_CFG              0x2F01
-#define CC112X_TOC_CFG                  0x2F02
-#define CC112X_MARC_SPARE               0x2F03
-#define CC112X_ECG_CFG                  0x2F04
-#define CC112X_CFM_DATA_CFG             0x2F05
-#define CC112X_EXT_CTRL                 0x2F06
-#define CC112X_RCCAL_FINE               0x2F07
-#define CC112X_RCCAL_COARSE             0x2F08
-#define CC112X_RCCAL_OFFSET             0x2F09
-#define CC112X_FREQOFF1                 0x2F0A
-#define CC112X_FREQOFF0                 0x2F0B
-#define CC112X_FREQ2                    0x2F0C
-#define CC112X_FREQ1                    0x2F0D
-#define CC112X_FREQ0                    0x2F0E
-#define CC112X_IF_ADC2                  0x2F0F
-#define CC112X_IF_ADC1                  0x2F10
-#define CC112X_IF_ADC0                  0x2F11
-#define CC112X_FS_DIG1                  0x2F12
-#define CC112X_FS_DIG0                  0x2F13
-#define CC112X_FS_CAL3                  0x2F14
-#define CC112X_FS_CAL2                  0x2F15
-#define CC112X_FS_CAL1                  0x2F16
-#define CC112X_FS_CAL0                  0x2F17
-#define CC112X_FS_CHP                   0x2F18
-#define CC112X_FS_DIVTWO                0x2F19
-#define CC112X_FS_DSM1                  0x2F1A
-#define CC112X_FS_DSM0                  0x2F1B
-#define CC112X_FS_DVC1                  0x2F1C
-#define CC112X_FS_DVC0                  0x2F1D
-#define CC112X_FS_LBI                   0x2F1E
-#define CC112X_FS_PFD                   0x2F1F
-#define CC112X_FS_PRE                   0x2F20
-#define CC112X_FS_REG_DIV_CML           0x2F21
-#define CC112X_FS_SPARE                 0x2F22
-#define CC112X_FS_VCO4                  0x2F23
-#define CC112X_FS_VCO3                  0x2F24
-#define CC112X_FS_VCO2                  0x2F25
-#define CC112X_FS_VCO1                  0x2F26
-#define CC112X_FS_VCO0                  0x2F27
-#define CC112X_GBIAS6                   0x2F28
-#define CC112X_GBIAS5                   0x2F29
-#define CC112X_GBIAS4                   0x2F2A
-#define CC112X_GBIAS3                   0x2F2B
-#define CC112X_GBIAS2                   0x2F2C
-#define CC112X_GBIAS1                   0x2F2D
-#define CC112X_GBIAS0                   0x2F2E
-#define CC112X_IFAMP                    0x2F2F
-#define CC112X_LNA                      0x2F30
-#define CC112X_RXMIX                    0x2F31
-#define CC112X_XOSC5                    0x2F32
-#define CC112X_XOSC4                    0x2F33
-#define CC112X_XOSC3                    0x2F34
-#define CC112X_XOSC2                    0x2F35
-#define CC112X_XOSC1                    0x2F36
-#define CC112X_XOSC0                    0x2F37
-#define CC112X_ANALOG_SPARE             0x2F38
-#define CC112X_PA_CFG3                  0x2F39
-#define CC112X_IRQ0M                    0x2F3F
-#define CC112X_IRQ0F                    0x2F40
-/* Status Registers */
-#define CC112X_WOR_TIME1                0x2F64
-#define CC112X_WOR_TIME0                0x2F65
-#define CC112X_WOR_CAPTURE1             0x2F66
-#define CC112X_WOR_CAPTURE0             0x2F67
-#define CC112X_BIST                     0x2F68
-#define CC112X_DCFILTOFFSET_I1          0x2F69
-#define CC112X_DCFILTOFFSET_I0          0x2F6A
-#define CC112X_DCFILTOFFSET_Q1          0x2F6B
-#define CC112X_DCFILTOFFSET_Q0          0x2F6C
-#define CC112X_IQIE_I1                  0x2F6D
-#define CC112X_IQIE_I0                  0x2F6E
-#define CC112X_IQIE_Q1                  0x2F6F
-#define CC112X_IQIE_Q0                  0x2F70
-#define CC112X_RSSI1                    0x2F71
-#define CC112X_RSSI0                    0x2F72
-#define CC112X_MARCSTATE                0x2F73
-#define CC112X_LQI_VAL                  0x2F74
-#define CC112X_PQT_SYNC_ERR             0x2F75
-#define CC112X_DEM_STATUS               0x2F76
-#define CC112X_FREQOFF_EST1             0x2F77
-#define CC112X_FREQOFF_EST0             0x2F78
-#define CC112X_AGC_GAIN3                0x2F79
-#define CC112X_AGC_GAIN2                0x2F7A
-#define CC112X_AGC_GAIN1                0x2F7B
-#define CC112X_AGC_GAIN0                0x2F7C
-#define CC112X_CFM_RX_DATA_OUT          0x2F7D
-#define CC112X_CFM_TX_DATA_IN           0x2F7E
-#define CC112X_ASK_SOFT_RX_DATA         0x2F7F
-#define CC112X_RNDGEN                   0x2F80
-#define CC112X_MAGN2                    0x2F81
-#define CC112X_MAGN1                    0x2F82
-#define CC112X_MAGN0                    0x2F83
-#define CC112X_ANG1                     0x2F84
-#define CC112X_ANG0                     0x2F85
-#define CC112X_CHFILT_I2                0x2F86
-#define CC112X_CHFILT_I1                0x2F87
-#define CC112X_CHFILT_I0                0x2F88
-#define CC112X_CHFILT_Q2                0x2F89
-#define CC112X_CHFILT_Q1                0x2F8A
-#define CC112X_CHFILT_Q0                0x2F8B
-#define CC112X_GPIO_STATUS              0x2F8C
-#define CC112X_FSCAL_CTRL               0x2F8D
-#define CC112X_PHASE_ADJUST             0x2F8E
-#define CC112X_PARTNUMBER               0x2F8F
-#define CC112X_PARTVERSION              0x2F90
-#define CC112X_SERIAL_STATUS            0x2F91
-#define CC112X_MODEM_STATUS1            0x2F92
-#define CC112X_MODEM_STATUS0            0x2F93
-#define CC112X_MARC_STATUS1             0x2F94
-#define CC112X_MARC_STATUS0             0x2F95
-#define CC112X_PA_IFAMP_TEST            0x2F96
-#define CC112X_FSRF_TEST                0x2F97
-#define CC112X_PRE_TEST                 0x2F98
-#define CC112X_PRE_OVR                  0x2F99
-#define CC112X_ADC_TEST                 0x2F9A
-#define CC112X_DVC_TEST                 0x2F9B
-#define CC112X_ATEST                    0x2F9C
-#define CC112X_ATEST_LVDS               0x2F9D
-#define CC112X_ATEST_MODE               0x2F9E
-#define CC112X_XOSC_TEST1               0x2F9F
-#define CC112X_XOSC_TEST0               0x2FA0
-#define CC112X_RXFIRST                  0x2FD2
-#define CC112X_TXFIRST                  0x2FD3
-#define CC112X_RXLAST                   0x2FD4
-#define CC112X_TXLAST                   0x2FD5
-#define CC112X_NUM_TXBYTES              0x2FD6
-/* Command strobe registers */
-#define CC112X_SRES                     0x30      /*  SRES    - Reset chip. */
-#define CC112X_SFSTXON                  0x31      /*  SFSTXON - Enable and calibrate frequency synthesizer. */
-#define CC112X_SXOFF                    0x32      /*  SXOFF   - Turn off crystal oscillator. */
-#define CC112X_SCAL                     0x33      /*  SCAL    - Calibrate frequency synthesizer and turn it off. */
-#define CC112X_SRX                      0x34      /*  SRX     - Enable RX. Perform calibration if enabled. */
-#define CC112X_STX                      0x35      /*  STX     - Enable TX. If in RX state, only enable TX if CCA passes. */
-#define CC112X_SIDLE                    0x36      /*  SIDLE   - Exit RX / TX, turn off frequency synthesizer. */
-#define CC112X_SWOR                     0x38      /*  SWOR    - Start automatic RX polling sequence (Wake-on-Radio) */
-#define CC112X_SPWD                     0x39      /*  SPWD    - Enter power down mode when CSn goes high. */
-#define CC112X_SFRX                     0x3A      /*  SFRX    - Flush the RX FIFO buffer. */
-#define CC112X_SFTX                     0x3B      /*  SFTX    - Flush the TX FIFO buffer. */
-#define CC112X_SWORRST                  0x3C      /*  SWORRST - Reset real time clock. */
-#define CC112X_SNOP                     0x3D      /*  SNOP    - No operation. Returns status byte. */
-#define CC112X_AFC                      0x37      /*  AFC     - Automatic Frequency Correction */
-/* Chip states returned in status byte */
-#define CC112X_STATE_IDLE               0x00
-#define CC112X_STATE_RX                 0x10
-#define CC112X_STATE_TX                 0x20
-#define CC112X_STATE_FSTXON             0x30
-#define CC112X_STATE_CALIBRATE          0x40
-#define CC112X_STATE_SETTLING           0x50
-#define CC112X_STATE_RXFIFO_ERROR       0x60
-#define CC112X_STATE_TXFIFO_ERROR       0x70
-#define CC112X_RDYn_BIT					BIT(7)
-/* FIFO Address */
-#define CC112X_FIFO						0x3F
-/* Data Structures */
-typedef uint8_t rf_status_t;
-typedef struct {
-	uint16_t addr;
-	uint8_t data;
-} cc1120_reg_settings_t;
-/* Public Functions */
-void cc1120_radio_init(const cc1120_reg_settings_t*, uint8_t);
-esp_err_t cc1120_radio_frequency(uint32_t);
-rf_status_t cc1120_radio_reset(void);
-esp_err_t cc1120_radio_sleep(void);
-void cc1120_radio_APRSTXPacket(void);
-#endif /* MAIN_CC1120_H_ */

+ 0 - 146

@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
- * cc1120_aprs.h
- *
- *  Created on: Jan 12, 2019
- *      Author: curiousmuch
- */
-#ifndef MAIN_CC1120_PROTOCOL_H_
-#define MAIN_CC1120_PROTOCOL_H_
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "cc1120.h"
-/* APRS Configuration */
-// Address Config = No address check
-// Bit Rate = 0.825
-// Carrier Frequency = 144.389999
-// Deviation = 5.004883 (MOVE TO 3kHZ)
-// Device Address = 0
-// Manchester Enable = false
-// Modulation Format = 2-FSK
-// PA Ramping = false
-// Packet Bit Length = 0
-// Packet Length = 3
-// Packet Length Mode = Not supported
-// Performance Mode = High Performance
-// RX Filter BW = 15.384615
-// Symbol rate = 0.825
-// TX Power = 15
-// Whitening = false
-static const cc1120_reg_settings_t APRS_SETTINGS[]=
-  {CC112X_IOCFG3,            0x1e},
-  {CC112X_IOCFG2,            0x08},
-  {CC112X_IOCFG1,            0xB0},
-  {CC112X_IOCFG0,            0x09},
-  {CC112X_SYNC_CFG1,         0x0B},
-  {CC112X_DEVIATION_M,       0x48},
-  {CC112X_DCFILT_CFG,        0x1C},
-  {CC112X_PREAMBLE_CFG1,     0x00},
-  {CC112X_IQIC,              0xC6},
-  {CC112X_CHAN_BW,           0x0D},
-  {CC112X_MDMCFG0,           0x05},
-  {CC112X_SYMBOL_RATE2,      0x3B},
-  {CC112X_SYMBOL_RATE1,      0x08},
-  {CC112X_SYMBOL_RATE0,      0x9A},
-  {CC112X_AGC_REF,           0x20},
-  {CC112X_AGC_CS_THR,        0x19},
-  {CC112X_AGC_CFG1,          0xA9},
-  {CC112X_AGC_CFG0,          0xCF},
-  {CC112X_FIFO_CFG,          0x00},
-  {CC112X_FS_CFG,            0x1B},
-  {CC112X_PKT_CFG2,          0x06},
-  {CC112X_PKT_CFG1,          0x00},
-  {CC112X_PKT_CFG0,          0x40},
-  {CC112X_PA_CFG2,           0x3F},
-  {CC112X_PA_CFG0,           0x7E},
-  {CC112X_IF_MIX_CFG,        0x00},
-  {CC112X_FREQOFF_CFG,       0x22},
-  {CC112X_CFM_DATA_CFG,      0x01},
-  {CC112X_FREQ2,             0x6C},
-  {CC112X_FREQ1,             0x4A},
-  {CC112X_FREQ0,             0xE1},
-  {CC112X_FS_DIG1,           0x00},
-  {CC112X_FS_DIG0,           0x5F},
-  {CC112X_FS_CAL1,           0x40},
-  {CC112X_FS_CAL0,           0x0E},
-  {CC112X_FS_DIVTWO,         0x03},
-  {CC112X_FS_DSM0,           0x33},
-  {CC112X_FS_DVC0,           0x17},
-  {CC112X_FS_PFD,            0x50},
-  {CC112X_FS_PRE,            0x6E},
-  {CC112X_FS_REG_DIV_CML,    0x14},
-  {CC112X_FS_SPARE,          0xAC},
-  {CC112X_FS_VCO0,           0xB4},
-  {CC112X_XOSC5,             0x0E},
-  {CC112X_XOSC1,             0x03},
-/* 900MHz CW Configuration */
-// Address Config = No address check
-// Bit Rate = 0.825
-// Carrier Frequency = 915.000000
-// Deviation = 5kHz
-// Device Address = 0
-// Manchester Enable = false
-// Modulation Format = 2-FSK
-// PA Ramping = false
-// Packet Bit Length = 0
-// Packet Length = 3
-// Packet Length Mode = Not supported
-// Performance Mode = High Performance
-// RX Filter BW = 15kHz
-// Symbol rate = 0.825
-// TX Power = 15
-// Whitening = false
-static const cc1120_reg_settings_t CW_SETTINGS[]=
-  {CC112X_IOCFG3,            0x1e},
-  {CC112X_IOCFG2,            0x08},
-  {CC112X_IOCFG1,            0xB0},
-  {CC112X_IOCFG0,            0x09},
-  {CC112X_SYNC_CFG1,         0x0B},
-  {CC112X_DEVIATION_M,       0x48},
-  {CC112X_DCFILT_CFG,        0x1C},
-  {CC112X_PREAMBLE_CFG1,     0x00},
-  {CC112X_IQIC,              0xC6},
-  {CC112X_CHAN_BW,           0x0D},
-  {CC112X_MDMCFG0,           0x05},
-  {CC112X_SYMBOL_RATE2,      0x3B},
-  {CC112X_SYMBOL_RATE1,      0x08},
-  {CC112X_SYMBOL_RATE0,      0x9A},
-  {CC112X_AGC_REF,           0x20},
-  {CC112X_AGC_CS_THR,        0x19},
-  {CC112X_AGC_CFG1,          0xA9},
-  {CC112X_AGC_CFG0,          0xCF},
-  {CC112X_FIFO_CFG,          0x00},
-  {CC112X_FS_CFG,            0x12},
-  {CC112X_PKT_CFG2,          0x06},
-  {CC112X_PKT_CFG1,          0x00},
-  {CC112X_PKT_CFG0,          0x40},
-  {CC112X_PA_CFG2,           0x3F},
-  {CC112X_PA_CFG0,           0x7E},
-  {CC112X_IF_MIX_CFG,        0x00},
-  {CC112X_FREQOFF_CFG,       0x22},
-  {CC112X_CFM_DATA_CFG,      0x01},
-  {CC112X_FREQ2,             0x72},
-  {CC112X_FREQ1,             0x60},
-  {CC112X_FS_DIG1,           0x00},
-  {CC112X_FS_DIG0,           0x5F},
-  {CC112X_FS_CAL1,           0x40},
-  {CC112X_FS_CAL0,           0x0E},
-  {CC112X_FS_DIVTWO,         0x03},
-  {CC112X_FS_DSM0,           0x33},
-  {CC112X_FS_DVC0,           0x17},
-  {CC112X_FS_PFD,            0x50},
-  {CC112X_FS_PRE,            0x6E},
-  {CC112X_FS_REG_DIV_CML,    0x14},
-  {CC112X_FS_SPARE,          0xAC},
-  {CC112X_FS_VCO0,           0xB4},
-  {CC112X_XOSC5,             0x0E},
-  {CC112X_XOSC1,             0x03},
-#endif /* MAIN_CC1120_PROTOCOL_H_ */

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