tnc_kiss.h 1.7 KB

  1. /*
  2. * tnc_kiss.h
  3. *
  4. * Created on: Jun 12, 2019
  5. * Author: curiousmuch
  6. */
  7. #ifndef MAIN_TNC_KISS_H_
  8. #define MAIN_TNC_KISS_H_
  9. // Logging Tag
  10. #define TNC_TAG "KISS TNC"
  11. // Frame Buffer
  12. #define FRAME_BUFFER_SIZE 512
  13. // KISS Specific Characters
  14. #define KISS_FEND 0xC0
  15. #define KISS_FESC 0xDB
  16. #define KISS_TFEND 0xDC
  17. #define KISS_TFESC 0xDD
  18. // KISS Commands
  19. // command Structure: [ 4 bits ][ 4 bits ]
  20. // [ TNC # ][ cmd ]
  21. #define KISS_DATAFRAME 0x00 // data to be send on HDLC channel
  22. #define KISS_CMD_TXDELAY 0x01 // keyup delay in 10ms units. default is 50ms.
  23. #define KISS_CMD_P 0x02
  24. #define KISS_CMD_SLOTTIME 0x03
  25. #define KISS_CMD_TXTAIL 0x04
  26. #define KISS_CMD_FULLDUPLEX 0x05
  27. #define KISS_CMD_SETHARDWARE 0x06
  28. #define KISS_CMD_RETURN 0xFF
  29. // TXDELAY: TX keyup delay in 10 ms units. Default = 50 (500ms)
  30. // P: Persistence scaled 0 - 255. P = p *256 -1. Default = 63 (p = 0.25)
  31. // SlotTime: Slot interval in 10ms units. Default = 10 (100ms)
  32. // TXTail: Time to hold TX after FCS has been sent in 10ms units. Default = 0
  33. // FullDuplex: 0 = Half Duplex. >0 = Full Duplex. Default = 0
  34. // SetHardware: Custom
  35. // Return: Exit Kiss
  36. typedef struct {
  37. uint8_t tx_delay;
  38. uint8_t persistence;
  39. uint8_t slot_time;
  40. uint8_t tx_tail;
  41. uint8_t full_duplex;
  42. } tnc_settings_t;
  43. typedef enum {
  44. ESC_MODE = 0,
  45. FRAME_ASS,
  46. FRAME_END,
  47. } KISS_STATE_t;
  48. typedef enum {
  49. FRAME_INVALID = 0,
  52. } FRAME_STATUS_t;
  53. typedef struct {
  54. uint8_t buf[FRAME_BUFFER_SIZE];
  55. uint32_t max_len;
  56. uint32_t index;
  57. FRAME_STATUS_t status;
  58. } buffer_handle_t;
  59. typedef struct {
  60. uint8_t *data;
  61. uint16_t len;
  62. } raw_kiss_frame_t;
  63. typedef struct {
  64. uint8_t *data;
  65. uint16_t len;
  66. } raw_ax25_frame_t;
  67. #endif /* MAIN_TNC_KISS_H_ */