Sfoglia il codice sorgente

I'm not sure but I'm guessing it has to do with the settings menu?

curiousmuch 7 anni fa

+ 0 - 178

@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-Title: IdeasXWorkstationClient Class 
-Author: Tyler Berezowsky 
-import sys
-import os
-import getopt
-    import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
-    import paho.mqtt.publish as mqtt_pub
-except ImportError:
-    # This part is only required to run the example from within the examples
-    # directory when the module itself is not installed.
-    #
-    # If you have the module installed, just use "import paho.mqtt.client"
-    import os
-    import inspect
-    cmd_subfolder = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.split(inspect.getfile( inspect.currentframe() ))[0],"../src")))
-    if cmd_subfolder not in sys.path:
-        sys.path.insert(0, cmd_subfolder)
-    import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
-    from protocolbuffers import IdeasXMessages_pb2 as IdeasXMessages
-    import IdeasXDatabaseManager 
-except ImportError: 
-    print("The python classes for IdeasX are missing. Try running the Makefile in" +
-            "ideasX-messages.")
-data = []
-# Sniffer Client Class
-class IdeasXWorkstationClient(): 
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.command_topic = "/encoder/+/command"
-        self.data_topic = "/encoder/+/data"
-        self.health_topic = "/encoder/+/health"
-        self.mqttdebug = False 
-        self.debug = False
-        self.dmb = IdeasXDatabaseManager.IdeasXDatabaseManager()
-        self._mqttc = mqtt.Client(clean_session=True, userdata=None,
-                protocol='MQTTv311')
-        self._mqttc.message_callback_add(self.health_topic, self.mqtt_on_health)
-        #self._mqttc.message_callback_add(self.data_topic, self.mqtt_on_data)
-        #self._mqttc.message_callback_add(self.command_topic, self.mqtt_on_command)       
-        self._mqttc.on_connect = self.mqtt_on_connect
-        self._mqttc.on_disconnect = self.mqtt_on_disconnect 
-        if self.mqttdebug: 
-            self._mqttc.on_log = self.mqtt_on_log 
-# callback functions
-    def mqtt_on_connect(self, mqttc, backend_data, flags, rc): 
-        if rc == 0: 
-            print('Connected to %s: %s' % (mqttc._host, mqttc._port))
-        else: 
-            print('rc: ' + str(rc))
-        print('-'*70)
-    def mqtt_on_disconnect(self, mqttc, backend_data, rc):
-        if self.debug: 
-            if rc != 0: 
-                print("Client disconnected and its a mystery why!")
-            else: 
-                print("Client successfully disconnected.") 
-            self.print_line()            
-    def mqtt_on_health(self, mqttc, backend_data, msg):
-        '''
-        try: 
-            self.dmb.parseHealthMessage(msg.payload)
-        except: 
-            print("Error: Failure to parse message")
-            if self.debug:
-                print("Raw Message: %s\n" %msg.payload)
-        '''
-        self.dmb.parseHealthMessage(msg.payload)
-        self.print_line()
-    def mqtt_on_log(self, mqttc, backend_data, level, string):
-        print(string)
-        self.print_line()
-# General API Calls 
-    def startWorkstationClient(self, ip="server.ideasX.tech", port=1883, keepalive=60):     
-        self.ip = ip 
-        self.port = port 
-        self.keepalive = keepalive 
-        self._mqttc.connect(ip, port, keepalive)      # connect to broker
-        #self._mqttc.subscribe(self.command_topic, 2)
-        self._mqttc.subscribe(self.health_topic, 1)
-        #self._mqttc.subscribe(self.data_topic, 2)                              
-        self._mqttc.loop_forever() # need to use blocking loop otherwise python will kill process
-    def print_line(self):
-        print('-'*70)
-if __name__ == "__main__": 
-    argv = sys.argv[1:] 
-    wsc = IdeasXWorkstationClient()
-    Host = "ideasx.duckdns.org"
-    Port = 1883 
-    KeepAlive = 30
-    msgFlag = False;     
-    deviceID = None; 
-    cmdPayload = None; 
-    cmdArg = None;
-    try: 
-        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "d:h:k:p:t:c:o:",
-                                  ['device-id','host', 'keepalive',
-                                  'port', 'topic(s)','command', 'payload'])
-    except getopt.GetoptError as s: 
-        sys.exit(2)
-    for opt, arg in opts: 
-        if opt in ("-h", "--host", "--hostname"):
-            Host = arg
-        elif opt in ("-d", "--device-id"):
-            deviceID = arg
-        elif opt in ("-k", "--keepalive"):
-            KeepAlive = arg 
-        elif opt in ("-p", "--port"):
-            Port = arg
-        elif opt in ("-o", "--payload"):
-            cmdPayload = arg.encode('utf-8')
-        elif opt in ("-c", "--command"):
-            msgFlag = True
-            cmdArg = arg
-    if msgFlag:
-        if cmdArg in IdeasXMessages._COMMANDMESSAGE_COMMAND.values_by_name.keys():
-            msg = IdeasXMessages.CommandMessage(); 
-            msg.command = IdeasXMessages.CommandMessage.Command.Value(cmdArg)
-            if cmdPayload != None:
-                msg.payload = cmdPayload
-            if deviceID != None:
-                pubTopic = "/modules/"+deviceID+"/command"
-            else:
-                sys.exit(2)
-#            sc.print_line()                
-#            print("Preparing Message...")
-#            sc.print_line()
-#            print("Device ID: "+str(deviceID))            
-#            sc.print_line()            
-#            print(msg.__str__()[:-1])
-            mqtt_pub.single(topic=pubTopic,
-                        payload=msg.SerializeToString().decode('utf-8'),
-                        retain = False, 
-                        qos=2,
-                        hostname=Host,
-                        port=Port)
-            wsc.print_line()
-            print("Message Sent")
-            wsc.print_line()
-            sys.exit(0)
-        else:
-            sys.exit(2)
-    else:
-        wsc.startWorkstationClient(ip = Host, port = Port, keepalive = KeepAlive)

+ 0 - 346

@@ -1,346 +0,0 @@
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- <resources/>
- <connections/>

+ 0 - 0
protocolbuffers/IdeasXMessages_pb2.py → ideasxprotobuff/IdeasXMessages_pb2.py

+ 0 - 0
IdeasXWSCBackend.py → ideasxwscbackend/py.py

+ 0 - 0
devicedialog.py → pyqt/devicedialog.py

+ 0 - 0
encoderconfigurationdialog.py → pyqt/encoderconfigurationdialog.py

+ 0 - 0
ideasxdevice.py → pyqt/ideasxdevice.py

+ 0 - 0
mainwindow.py → pyqt/mainwindow.py

+ 0 - 0
mainwindow2.py → pyqt/mainwindow2.py

+ 0 - 0
Qt/about.ui → qt/about.ui

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<ui version="4.0" >
+ <class>Dialog</class>
+ <widget class="QDialog" name="Dialog" >
+  <property name="geometry" >
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+  <property name="windowTitle" >
+   <string>Dialog</string>
+  </property>
+ </widget>
+ <resources/>
+ <connections/>

+ 0 - 0
Qt/devicedialog.ui → qt/devicedialog.ui

+ 0 - 0
Qt/encoderconfigurationdialog.ui → qt/encoderconfigurationdialog.ui

+ 0 - 0
Qt/ideasxdevice.ui → qt/ideasxdevice.ui

+ 0 - 0
Qt/mainwindow.ui → qt/mainwindow.ui

+ 0 - 0
Qt/mainwindow.ui.autosave → qt/mainwindow.ui.autosave

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-python3 /home/tyler/ideasX-repositories/ideasX-workstation-client-v2/IdeasXWSCView.py

+ 0 - 8

@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=IdeasX Workstation Client