''' Title: IdeasXDatabaseManager Class Author: Tyler Berezowsky Description: This class requires the following functionality: 1) Connect to the IdeasX system (MQTT Client) - Connect using the devices MAC Address as the Client ID - Autoreconnect if the device failts - The abililty to start a broker in a seperate thread if no broker is available - The ability to store settings in a SQLite File or setting .txt file. 2) The ability to induce a system wide keypress in the following systems: - Windows - Mac - Linux 3) Create a table in memory of the IdeasX devices currently in the system 4) Parse IdeasX messages types given nothing more than a protofile 5) Subscribe to IdeasX devices 6) Invoke keystrokes if proper messages in a command is sent. TODO: Develop logger class for print statements TODO: Fix subscribe / unsubscribe functionality TODO: Implement Queue which will send signal when subscription ACK is RX TODO: Expand exceptions to only parser not general actions ''' import sys, time, collections from ParsingTools import ParsingTools from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, pyqtSignal, QSettings import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt try: import IdeasXMessages_pb2 as IdeasXMessages except ImportError: print("The python classes for IdeasX are missing. Try running the Makefile in" + "ideasX-messages.") class IdeasXWSCNetworkThread(QObject): # define Qt signals (I don't understand why this is here) encoderUpdate = pyqtSignal([dict], name='encoderUpdate') networkStatus = pyqtSignal([str], name='networkStatus') networkUpdate = pyqtSignal([str], name='networkUpdate') settingsError = pyqtSignal([str], name='settingsError') def __init__(self, settingFile=None, clientID = None, debug=True, mqttdebug=True): super(IdeasXWSCNetworkThread, self).__init__() # Private Class Flags and Variables self.__clientID = clientID self.__settingFile = settingFile self.__debug = debug self.__mqttDebug = mqttdebug self.__errorIndex = 0 self.__refreshCb = None self.__org = 'IdeasX' self.__app = 'Workstation-Client' # MQTT Topics self.__DEVICETYPE = ["/encoder/+", "/actuator/+"] self.__COMMANDTOPIC = "/command" self.__DATATOPIC = "/data" self.__HEALTHTOPIC = "/health" # Data Structure for Encoders / Actuators self.encoders = {} self.subscribedEncoders = [] self.actuators = {} self.subscribedActuators = [] # IdeasX Parsers self.__healthParser = IdeasXMessages.HealthMessage() self.__dataParser = IdeasXMessages.DataMessage() self.__commandParser = IdeasXMessages.CommandMessage() self.__parserTools = ParsingTools() self.keyEmulator = IdeasXKeyEmulator() # MQTT Client Object self._mqttc = mqtt.Client(self.__clientID, clean_session=True, userdata=None, protocol='MQTTv311') # Setup Callback Functions for each device type for device in self.__DEVICETYPE: self._mqttc.message_callback_add(device+self.__HEALTHTOPIC, self.mqtt_on_health) self._mqttc.message_callback_add(device+self.__DATATOPIC, self.mqtt_on_data) self._mqttc.message_callback_add(device+self.__COMMANDTOPIC, self.mqtt_on_command) self._mqttc.on_connect = self.mqtt_on_connect self._mqttc.on_disconnect = self.mqtt_on_disconnect #self._mqttc.on_subscribe = self.mqtt_on_subscribe #self._mqttc.on_unsubscribe = self.mqtt_on_unsubscribe if self.__mqttDebug: self._mqttc.on_log = self.mqtt_on_log ''' MQTT Callback Functions ''' def mqtt_on_connect(self, mqttc, backend_data, flags, rc): if rc == 0: self.printInfo('Connected to %s: %s' % (mqttc._host, mqttc._port)) self.networkStatus.emit("Connected to %s: %s" % (mqttc._host, mqttc._port)) else: self.printInfo('rc: ' + str(rc)) self.networkStatus.emit('Connection Failure (rc: ' +str(rc)) self.printLine() def mqtt_on_disconnect(self, mqttc, backend_data, rc): if self.__debug: if rc != 0: self.printError("Client disconnected and its a mystery why!") self.networkStatus.emit("Uh No! WSC was disconnected!") else: self.printInfo("Client successfully disconnected.") self.networkStatus.emit("Uh No! WSC was disconnected!") self.printLine() def mqtt_on_log(self, mqttc, backend_data, level, string): print(string) self.printLine() def mqtt_on_data(self, mqttc, backend_data, msg): self.printInfo("Data Message") self.printLine() try: self.__dataParser.ParseFromString(msg.payload) print("GPIO States: " + bin(self.__dataParser.button)) self.keyEmulator.emulateKey( self.__parserTools.getModuleIDfromTopic(msg.topic),self.__dataParser.button) except Exception as ex: self.printError("Failure to parse message") if self.__debug: print("Raw Message: %s" %msg.payload) template = "An exception of type {0} occured. Arguments:\n{1!r}" message = template.format(type(ex).__name__, ex.args) print(message) self.printLine() def mqtt_on_health(self, mqttc, backend_data, msg): self.printInfo("Health Message") self.printLine() try: self.__healthParser.ParseFromString(msg.payload) macID = self.__parserTools.macToString(self.__healthParser.module_id) if self.__healthParser.alive: temp_list = [] for field in self.__healthParser.ListFields(): temp_list.append((field[0].name, field[1])) # copy health message fields in to list temp_list.append(('time', time.time())) # add time the message was RX to the end self.encoders[macID] = collections.OrderedDict(temp_list) # store into a ordered dictionary self.encoderUpdate.emit(self.getDevices()) # send signal to the GUI else: try: self.encoders.pop(macID) # if the encoder isn't alive attempt to remove from dictionary self.encoderUpdate.emit() # send signal to GUI except KeyError: self.printError("Encoder ID " +macID+" is not stored") if self.__debug: for encoder, fields in zip(self.encoders.keys(), self.encoders.values()): print(str(encoder) +" : "+ str(fields)) self.printLine() except Exception as e: print(e) self.printError("Error: Failure to parse message") if self.__debug: print("Raw Message: %s" %msg.payload) self.printLine() try: deviceID = msg.topic.split('/')[2] self.encoders.pop(deviceID) self.encoderUpdate.emit(self.getDevices()) self.deactivateEncoder(deviceID) except: print("This is a fucking joke anyway") def mqtt_on_command(self, mqttc, backend_data, msg): pass def cmdStartWorkstationClient(self, ip="server.ideasX.tech", port=1883, keepAlive=60): self.ip = ip self.port = port self.keepAlive = keepAlive self.printLine() self.printInfo("Starting Workstation Client (WSC)") self.printLine() try: self._mqttc.connect(self.ip, self.port, self.keepAlive) # connect to broker for device in self.__DEVICETYPE: self._mqttc.subscribe(device + self.__HEALTHTOPIC, 1) self._mqttc.loop_forever() # need to use blocking loop otherwise python will kill process except: self.printError("There was a fucking mistake here.") sys.exit(1) def guiStartWorkstationClient(self, ip=None, port=1883, keepAlive=60): self.keepAlive = keepAlive if ip == None: settings = QSettings(self.__org, self.__app) settings.beginGroup('Broker') self.ip = settings.value('NetworkBroker', 'ideasx.duckdns.org') self.port = settings.value('NetworkPort', 1883) #self.__LocalBroker = settings.value('LocalBroker', '') self.__LocalPort = settings.value('LocalPort', 1883) settings.endGroup() else: self.printLine() self.printInfo("Loading hardcoded defaults") self.printLine() self.ip = ip self.port = port self.printLine() self.printInfo("Starting Workstation Client (WSC)") self.printLine() try: self._mqttc.connect(self.ip, int(self.port), self.keepAlive) for device in self.__DEVICETYPE: self._mqttc.subscribe(device + self.__HEALTHTOPIC, 0) self._mqttc.loop_start() # start MQTT Client Thread except: self.printError("There was a fucking mistake here.") self.networkStatus.emit("Oh-no! Broker settings are incorrect or there is a network failure") # sys.exit(1) def guiRestartWSC(self): self.killWSC() self.networkUpdate.emit("Restarting WSC...") self.guiStartWorkstationClient() def restartWSC(self): self.printInfo("This really doesn't do anything") def killWSC(self): self._mqttc.loop_stop() self.printInfo("Murdered MQTT thread.") def getDevices(self): return self.encoders def activateEncoder(self, deviceMACAddress, deviceType=None): ''' Subscribe to device's data topic and send activate command if device is not active. * Currently does not confirm subscribe is successful * Currently does not send the activate command as it does not exist deviceType = str deviceMACAddress = str(MAC_ID) ''' if deviceMACAddress not in self.encoders.keys(): self.printError("Device " + deviceMACAddress + " is not currently in the IdeasX system.") else: if deviceType == None: deviceDataTopic = "/encoder/" + deviceMACAddress + self.__DATATOPIC else: deviceDataTopic = deviceType + deviceMACAddress + self.__DATATOPIC self._mqttc.subscribe(deviceDataTopic, 1) self.subscribedEncoders.append(deviceMACAddress) if self.__debug: self.printInfo("Device " + deviceMACAddress + " data topic was subscribed") def deactivateEncoder(self, deviceMACAddress, deviceType=None, forceAction=False): ''' Unsubscribe from device's data topic and send deactive command if no other WSC are using device. * Currently does not confirm unsubscribe is successful * Currently does not send the deactive command as it does not exist and I don't know how to sync that shit. ''' if (deviceMACAddress in self.encoders.keys()) or (forceAction): if deviceType == None: deviceDataTopic = self.__DEVICETYPE[0] + deviceMACAddress + self.__DATATOPIC else: deviceDataTopic = deviceType + deviceMACAddress + self.__DATATOPIC self._mqttc.unsubscribe(deviceDataTopic) self.subscribedEncoders.remove(deviceMACAddress) if self.__debug: self.printInfo("Device " + deviceMACAddress + " data topic was unsubscribed") else: self.printError("Device " + deviceMACAddress + " is not currently in the IdeasX System") def resetDevice(self, deviceMACAddress, deviceType=None): self.__commandParser.command = self.__commandParser.RESTART self._mqttc.publish(self.__DEVICETYPE[0][:-1] + deviceMACAddress + self.__COMMANDTOPIC, self.__commandParser.SerializeToString().decode('utf-8') , qos=1, retain=False) self.networkUpdate.emit("Sent reset command to device " + deviceMACAddress) def shutdownDevice(self, deviceMACAddress, deviceType=None): self.__commandParser.command = self.__commandParser.SHUT_DOWN self._mqttc.publish(self.__DEVICETYPE[0][:-1] + deviceMACAddress + self.__COMMANDTOPIC, self.__commandParser.SerializeToString().decode('utf-8') , qos=1, retain=False) self.networkUpdate.emit("Sent shutdown command to device " + deviceMACAddress) def updateDevice(self, deviceMACAddress, deviceType=None): self.__commandParser.command = self.__commandParser.OTA_UPDATE self._mqttc.publish(self.__DEVICETYPE[0][:-1] + deviceMACAddress + self.__COMMANDTOPIC, self.__commandParser.SerializeToString().decode('utf-8') , qos=1, retain=False) self.networkUpdate.emit("Sent OTA update request to device " + deviceMACAddress) #def configureIMU(self, deviceMACAddress, deviceType=None): def printLine(self): print('-'*70) def printError(self, errorStr): self.__errorIndex = self.__errorIndex + 1 print("WSC Error #" + str(self.__errorIndex) + ": " + errorStr) def printInfo(self, msgStr): print("WSC: " + msgStr) from pykeyboard import PyKeyboard class IdeasXKeyEmulator(): def __init__(self): self.__system = sys.platform self.printInfo("Detected system is " + self.__system) self.__k = PyKeyboard() self.switchOne = 0 self.switchTwo = 1 self.switchAdaptive = 2 self.__assignedKeys = {'default': {self.switchOne: ["1", True, 0], self.switchTwo: ["2", True, 0], self.switchAdaptive: ["3", False, 0]}} self.__activeEncoders = [] def activateEncoder(self, encoder): if encoder not in self.__activeEncoders: self.__activeEncoders.append(encoder) def deactivateEncoder(self, encoder): if encoder in self.__activeEncoders: self.__activeEncoders.pop(encoder) def assignKey(self, encoder, switch, key, active=True): if switch not in [self.switchOne, self.switchTwo, self.switchAdaptive]: raise ValueError("Must be IdeasXKeyEmulator() provided switch") if encoder not in list(self.__assignedKeys.keys()): self.__assignedKeys[encoder] = self.__assignedKeys['default'].copy() print(self.__assignedKeys) self.__assignedKeys[encoder][switch] = [key, active] if active == False: self.__k.release_key(key) def getAssignedKeys(self, encoder): if encoder not in self.__assignedKeys.keys(): encoder = 'default' return self.__assignedKeys[encoder] def getAssignedKey(self, encoder, switch): if encoder not in self.__assignedKeys.keys(): encoder = 'default' return self.__assignedKeys[encoder][switch] def getKeyDatabase(self): return self.__assignedKeys def getDefaultKeyEntry(self): return self.__assignedKeys['default'] def setKeyDatabase(self, db): self.__assignedKeys = db def emulateKey(self, encoder, buttonPayload, deviceType=None): ''' This is horrible and needs to be improved ''' if encoder in self.__activeEncoders or True: if encoder not in self.__assignedKeys.keys(): encoder = 'default' assignedKeys = self.__assignedKeys[encoder] for switch in [self.switchOne, self.switchTwo, self.switchAdaptive]: if (buttonPayload&(1<